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AGM Minutes 5th August 2021

In Attendance

Marcus Lankford, President

Nick Gladwell, Vice President

Stuart Gladwell, CEO

Capt E Geary

Stephen Clarke

Capt John Prasad Menezes

Capt. Allen Brink

Ian Anderson

Graham Slack, Council Member

Peter Grindey


Chris Gladish

Allan Larsen

Jonathan Leach

Fiona Dando

Callum Smedley

Paul Johnson

Ross Hunter

Paul Owen





1.     Apologies for absence

As above.


2.     Minutes of the 2020 SCMS AGM

These were circulated earlier, considered and agreed with no comments given. Proposer Ian Anderson, seconded by Marcus Lankford. Vote was unanimous.


3.     Presentation of the Unaudited Financial Statement

These were previously circulated. These were presented by Stuart Gladwell and agreed, proposer Ian Anderson, seconder Nick Gladwell.


4.     Benevolent Fund income and expenditure accounts

Benevolent Fund accounts, the funds are currently being audited as they are being closed for the Benevolent Fund and transferred to a separate Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) run by trustees from within SCMS and independent to the organisation. The accounts will be circulated when complete.


5.     Appointment of the Society’s Accountants for the ensuing year

Menzies had been the SCMS accountants for 2020 and were proposed to continue in 2021. Proposer Nick Gladwell, seconder Peter Grindey. Vote was unanimous.


6.     Elect nominated Fellows to council

Nick Gladwell proposed election of Graham Slack and Simon Oakes to Council as they are both Fellows, Proposal Nick Gladwell, Seconder Ian Anderson, Vote was unanimous.


7.     To receive the announcement of Office Bearers for 2021/2022

SCMS current office bearers were confirmed by Marcus Lankford.


Past President - Allan Larsen

Current President - Marcus Lankford

Vice President A - Nick Gladwell

Vice President B – Vacant

Council – Paul Johnson

Council – Ross Hunter

Council – Mark Lockie

Council – Graham Slack

Council – Simon Oakes

Council co-opted – Jonathon Leach


Nick Gladwell proposed that Graham Slack and Simon Oakes be made full Council members, this was seconded by Ian Anderson, vote was unanimous.


Captain John Prasad Menezes volunteered for a position on the council, proposer Nick Gladwell and seconded by Ian Anderson, vote was unanimous. Captain Menezes is welcomed to the SCMS Council.


Nick Gladwell proposed Graham Slack take up the Vice President B position, seconded by Marcus Lankford, there were no objections. The Council welcomes Graham Slack as the new Vice President B.


The office bearers now stand as follows:

 Past President - Allan Larsen

Current President - Marcus Lankford

Vice President A - Nick Gladwell

Vice President B – Graham Slack

Council – Paul Johnson

Council – Ross Hunter

Council – Mark Lockie

Council – Simon Oakes

Council - Captain John Menezes

Council co-opted – Jonathon Leach

 8.     Elect a new President – delayed due to Covid to 14 June 2022

 9.     Receive the new President’s inaugural address

To follow.

 10.  Confirm the appointment of the Auditors and their Renumeration

Menzies have been used previously and were the suggested company for the following year’s audits. Stuart Gladwell asked if everyone was happy to remain with the current auditors Menzies, there were no objections.

 11.  Any Other Business

Nick Gladwell gave a brief overview of the changes to the Benevolent Fund moving from an integral part of SCMS to a separate entity as a CIO. The CIO has the same goals as when it was under SCMS but now has a board of Trustees that are made up of SCMS members and independent individuals away from SCMS and is a separate entity as required by the Charity Commission.

 The AGM was closed at 10.22 hrs.



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